Takes an RGB value and returns a Hex string.
Red value.
Green value.
Blue value.
Hexadecimal string (e.g. '#ff66ff')
Creates a view out of a model.
The module that needs a view.
The function that is called whenever a player or controller interacts with the module in a browser.
The function that renders the whole site.
List of currently available midi devices connected to the controller.
The ModuleViewController for the ModuleModel.
Clip a number. E.g. defining the bounds to be [0,1]: [0.5 => 0.5], [1.0 => 1.0], [1.3 => 1.0]
The number that has to be clipped.
Lower boundary value.
Upper boundaty value.
Takes an image position and return the color value at that point.
Horizontal position in px.
Vertical position in px.
Image width.
Image height.
ImgData that is returned from a 2d canvas.
An array of 3 values [R, G, B].
Sometimes needed for touch events, to correctly calculate the on-screen position in px.
The TouchEvent that has to be modified.
A coordinate with the correct touchpoint as on-screen px value.
Generated using TypeDoc
A simple coordinate type.