das Shining

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The work XSICHT was created in 2019 and is thus an AI of the penultimate generation that was trained over several weeks to match people’s voices to their faces. The basis for this was the interview series Ask a Cliché from the YouTube channel Hyperbole, in which people with different backgrounds are asked questions by the audience. See full project…


Here, the present and the past collide to create a distorted snapshot of the „now“ for a limited period of time. All visitors are invited to step through a portal of the present that scans them piece by piece and pulls them into the horizontal.

See full project…


The installation shown in the Wilhelmstraße, Tübingen in April/May 2021

Keep distance. Disinfect. Washing hands. These days, we fondly recall the carefree days of cake-smeared children’s hands painting together on paper. Knickbilder were the name of these collaborative efforts of yesteryear.
We want to bring you back together in the best kindergarten fashion and invite you to paint with us. Now and here!

Check out the current installation at knickbild.das-shining.com

The installation shown in the Wilhelmstraße, Tübingen in April/May 2021


ParaSpace is a framework for highly interactive performances and events. It extends the streaming experience by adding interactive modules with which the event and streaming guests can interact with the performance or even the artist him/herself.

See full project…