Internal datastructure. Hashmap that is accesed via an AggregatorValue's unique Id.
Unique Id of this collection.
Register a new subscription for an AggregatorValue.
Unique Id of the AggregatorValue.
The aggregator method used for a new subscription.
The unique id of the new subscription.
Delete an existing subscription of an AggregatorValue.
The unique subscription Id that is going to be deleted.
Retrieves all existing subscriptions of all existing AggregatorValues.
A single 1D list of all subscriptions.
Retrieves a SubscriptionAtom given a unique Id.
Unique Id of the SubscriptionAtom.
A SubscriptionAtom if it exists, undefined otherwise.
Retrieves the unique Id of an AtomCollection that holds all subscriptions (= SubscriptionAtom) of an AggregatorValue.
Unique Id of the subscription whose AtomCollection that it lives in is looked for.
Unique Id of an AtomCollection.
Retrieves a list of subscriptions for an AggregatorValue.
Unique Id of the AggregatorValue.
List of subscriptions if it exists, undefined otherwise.
Updates an existing subscription with a new method it should use.
Unique Id of the subscription.
New mthod object that shall be used.
Updates the values of all subscriptions an AggregatorValue has, i.e. when a player interacts with a module.
Uniue Id of the AggregatorValue.
The AggregatorCollection that holds the new calculated values.
Workaround function to deserialize maps.
Workaround to serialize maps.
Generated using TypeDoc
The central point for AtomCollections (= all subscriptions of an AggregatorValue) used in the StateManager. Basically, a map of AtomCollections, hashed via the AggregatorValue.